Saturday, July 3, 2010

Paperwork Hell

What I'm looking for:

Noa's camp medical form that took the pediatrician 2 weeks, cost me $20 and was due 6 weeks ago.

What I found instead:

The obedience school diploma
for a dog that's been dead for 25 years. (1)

I think it's fair to say that I need a better system.

1) What do you call the dog who graduates last in his class from obedience school? Doctor. Wait, wrong joke.


Beth said...

At least your dog graduated. My dog was asked to leave.

The Zadge said...

I had to send my youngest dog to PRISON - seriously. The Denver Jail has a k9 training program and he was an inmate in it for 5 weeks! Now he's on parole!

Me Just Me said...

ha I wish i could send mine to school where they keep them and send them back angels.....

Stimey said...

I think you're looking in the wrong pile.

dpaste said...

Looks like three times is the charm, I know that I'LL be a loyal reader of forlots from now on.

As anal as I am about trying to be organized with files, I still lose important things, like the email of my NY State unemployment officer, so I can cancel those damn jobsite emails. I don't need a job anymore! Make it stop!

{sue} said...

I say you send that in to the camp. Either (1) they won't notice or (2) it will be really hilarious.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

you need to frame that shizzle.

Texasholly said...

OMG. This is like the funniest thing I have read in like a MONTH which totally serves me right since if I had read it a month ago then I couldn't say that, did that make sense? Like, did I just use the word LIKE with a comma after it. Like, maybe I should stop and go to bed.