Monday, August 10, 2009

A PSA from my 4 year old

There are only 81 more shopping days until Halloween.

And his costume already needs to be held together with scotch tape


dpaste said...

I can't wait either.

Anonymous said...

Great outfit. Especially since it's only 175 degrees outside.

Anonymous said...

omg he's so cute.

Unknown said...

how freakin adorable is THAT! LOVE the costume. Do you have a back up?

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

What. The Hell. Is that? I mean, he looks great all buffed out in black, but I don't know who he's supposed to be?

ShallowGal said...

He's G.I. Joe. (Although he calls himself Joe) He has no clue who that is. It was the only costume at Costco that we didn't already have.

{sue} said...

He is fierce. I think it's the tape.

the mama bird diaries said...

81 days?! That's it? Gotta run.

Cute outfit.

Magpie said...

But by Halloween, he might want to be something else.

sista #2 said...

My son was spidey for about 6 months and let me tell you, that spidey costume was nasty!

Now I wish he would wear a costume....little fart is getting to cool for that stuff. Damn 8 year olds.


bernthis said...

tell him i said thank you but that in my local grocery store they have been pushing the candy since the end of August. Geez, can I get a chance to breathe first people?