Anyway before Blogger had it's little nervous breakdown last week (1), we were talking about what the kids enjoyed most about Alaska.
Noa's highlights:
On the cruise, they made this dessert called the love boat dream and it was so yummy. I had it every night.
The love boat dream was a heart shaped brownie covered with chocolate mousse, served with raspberry coulis and a mint leaf which Noa generously shared. The mint leaf, I mean. She was more than happy to let you have her mint leaf.
One night I ordered my own love boat dream just to see what all the fuss was about and it tasted like a sponge. But my kids aren't known for their sensitive palate. On our last cruise Jake ordered jello every night.
Noa also enjoyed the flight-seeing. In fact she helped move the plane.
Noa decided she wants to fly a little plane around Alaska when she grows up and has generously offered me a $5 discount. (Good only in the off season.) (2)
Ask Jake about Super Mario Galaxy and you'll get eleven straight hours of commentary, but this is all he'll say about Alaska:
I liked the flightseeing and I liked camp.Flightseeing we covered. Camp was a large room filled with other 10 year old boys who played xbox.
In summary my kids enjoyed Alaska but also would have apparently enjoyed equally a trip to a strip mall that had a Best Buy and a mediocre bakery. But then we wouldn't have seen stuff like this.
Or this:
And definitely not this:
Even ShallowGal isn't going to ruin that picture with a flippant caption.
Bottom line: Alaska. Worth traveling 30 hours with three kids. (3)
1) Blogger is possibly even more unstable than I am. All this WARNING ! UNABLE TO CONTACT BLOGGER ! Very stressful.
2) I should probably get it in writing.
3) For real. We left Monday at 8 am and got home 2pm Tuesday.
I love that last photo.
Just beautiful! What a great place to visit.
Keep the pix and stories coming!
I drove seven days to get to Alaska with a 10-month-old and two cats. And then, because I didn't learn my lesson, I drove seven days away from Alaska with a 22-month-old and a two-month-old.
Want me to make your next travel plans?
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