Just when I wonder how I will survive another three year old, he does something that makes me unbelievably proud. Like protect 37 senior citizens on a haunted hay ride.
Alzheimer Grandma no longer has any clue as to who Eli is but she knows she loves him.
Very sweet. And also sad at the same time.
Small children have tremendous powers of adorableness and lovability.
How can you not love old people?
and you son:)
Nothing could light up both of my Alzheimer Grandmas like my kids.
I do miss those ladies. Would give just about anything to spend another day with either of them, answering the same damn question over and over again.
(That looks sarcastic in print, but I really mean it.)
T from PA
how gorgeous.
The pure joy on each face.
Clearly... I just discovered your blog - I can't stop reading it!
So, even though my comment is about three months late, I just had to say that is just about the sweetest thing I've ever read.
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