The first such sign in her ultra right wing neighborhood.
Much hoo-hah commences.
Something seems to be missing.
Yes, it took a week. Obama yard signs are hard to come by.
ShallowGal admits defeat. She is not meant to own a yard sign.
PS: I will be off-line from sundown tonight until Friday morning in observance of Yom Kippur. To all my Jewish friends: G'mar chatimah tovah. May you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life. xoxo, Amy
I think it's time to paint your house magenta in protest!
I'm not Jewish, but G'mar chatimah tovah.
Don't give up - I have a plan. First sign disappears - replace it with TWO. TWO signs disappear - replace them with THREE - and so on. Post flyers saying that you will go back to one sign if people respect your political views and LEAVE YOUR SIGNS ALONE.
Hop this makes it before sundown. That post was funny! And I swear it wasn't me. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today!!
Dude. That's really sad. I keep thinking that I should put up an Obama sign, but then I remember that my husband is a Republican and would probably retaliate somehow. And I'm not prepared for that.
Shallow Gal clearly needs to move.
Wow . . .
I don't even know what to say . . .
But happy Yom Kippur anyway, even if freedom of speech is banned in your neighborhood : )
Unbelievably rude.
Why can't we all just get along?
I'm not Jewish, but I wish all the goodness to you, too. And your signs back.
Is it at all possible that your proximity to a junior/senior high school has *anything* to do with this? ;-)
Your ultra right wing friend
PS -- Hope you had an easy fast and a fabulous breaking of the fast!
I say you keep up the McSame/Puke sign but doctor it...add some posterboard to the top that says "Just say NO to...." or paint a big red no circle on it! That'll teach 'em to mess with your signs!!
I feel your pain - i have gone through two signs already. Have another three as back up...
It would great if you could possibly booby-trap it.
Say with dog poo?
My neighbor and I have opposite views and instead of taking each others...we keep adding. It is a neighborhood joke now. All in good fun and spirit. I am sad people are getting personal, instead of listening and respecting each other.
You'll be vindicated come November.
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